Clean air is becoming a rare luxury. 95% of the world's population breathe sub-standard air every day. There are however solutions, not least in industry, which looking forward is one of the biggest players. This is the starting point from which Nederman, as a market leader in industrial air filtration, arranges Future Days in Helsingborg, Sweden on 17 September.
What does the situation for clean air look like? What do politicians and policy makers do to influence development? What opportunities do the ongoing digitalisation and Industry 4.0 provide? Moderator Henrik Mitelman will challenge a handful of experts on these topics in order to find out. Renowned speakers include:
• Robert O'Keefe, VP of the Health Effects Institute, Boston, publisher of the report "The State of Global Air and Health" will give an overview of the situation today
• Connie Hedegaard, well-known Danish politician and former EU Commissioner for Climate Action will talk about the next steps for a more sustainable world and who needs to do what
• Henrik Mitelman, analyst and columnist, will himself talk about Global megatrends that change everything
• Anders Borg, former Swedish Minister for Finance, will illustrate how digitalisation and globalisation will transform our economy and our future
• Kerstin Lindell, CEO of Bona Group, will emphasise the importance of sustainable development not being a strain, but rather an integral part of a company's development and growth
“We hope to show that despite the current situation, work is ongoing on many fronts and that there are fully developed solutions ready for use in the manufacturing industry, says Sven Kristensson, President and CEO of Nederman. Over the past five-year period, Nederman have invested heavily in building a competitive IoT platform that can serve our customers with digital solutions. The vision is to by 2025 be able to offer Clean Air as a Service”.
The day will be complemented with speakers from Nederman and will end with a panel discussion. The conference is open to business leaders, politicians, policymakers, analysts and journalists, but will also be attended by approximately 100 people in leading positions within the Nederman Group. The conference will be held in English.
Full program and registration at
For more information please contact
Sven Kristensson, President and CEO
Phone 042-18 87 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Bengt Lundahl, Project Manager
Phone 0705-22 43 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Carita Lundquist, Executive Assistant
Phone 042-18 87 74
E-mail: [email protected]